
Project Consulting

My main email address is info@indianpartseurope.com < clicking on this opens the default email program on your computer or mobile device. If you prefer to copy/paste the email address use this > info@indianpartseurope.com

Sometimes messages get caught in a spam filter or otherwise lost. If you write me and don't hear back within a few days, try  < this backup address is a picture, not text, to make it a little harder for spammers to steal it; you will have to type it into your email program.

Mail Order
IPE sends Indian parts by UPS to just about anywhere in the world
UPS has proven fast, secure and economical. When your parcel goes out I will email you the tracking number so you can see when it will arrive, make alternative delivery arrangements on the UPS website etc. 

I need to know your city and post code to look up shipping cost - country is not enough. While it is rare that UPS loses a parcel (it has never happened to me), their insurance doesn't cost a lot, and I will insist on it for bigger orders.

I need your phone number for the parcel address label. The UPS system will not let me make the label without it.

Ordering Indian parts from IPE is easy
Send me an email and we will take it from there. If you already know what you need that is fine, but often we must dig a bit deeper to figure things out. 

That may take a little - or a lot - of email back and forth, and you can help me help you by telling me a few things in your first message. Where in the world you live, and a brief description of your Indian or project is a good start - pictures always help! More about that in Project Consulting below. 

Scandinavia: IPE is located in Denmark, and "skriv bare på Dansk" - "Svenska går bra" - "Norsk er greit". Or, in other words, I can read Danish, Swedish and Norwegian - but sadly not Finnish.

Part numbers on the IPE website are written like this P/N 12345. For reproduced factory parts, I try to use the same numbers as the factory (actually I use their "factory numbers" not their "part numbers"; this is a little complicated!). For new parts not originally made by the Wigwam, the format of the part numbers here can vary but you can see it's a part number if it starts with P/N and is underlined

Usually we will have emailed about any parts you need, but if you ask about something out of the blue, please give me some details. I remember many of the part numbers but a little context goes a long way to minimize confusion.

If you don't have a factory parts book for your Indian you can download one for most models here.
Prices on this website are in EUR. For orders sent inside the EU the prices include 25% Danish VAT (MWSt, TWA, sales tax, moms). For orders outside - RoW (rest of world) - they don't but there may be local import duty/tax to pay.

For orders to Denmark, Sweden and Norway invoices and payment will be in DKK. All other invoices and payments in EUR. Your bank or payment service can handle this for you so you pay them in your local currency.

While all orders are paid before I send them out, special order parts are to be paid before they are made or ordered by me from specialist suppliers.

UK: Since Brexit the HMRC has mandated a minimum order of currently £135 (not including shipping). I currently use EUR165 to be sure, but this varies with exchange rates. UK orders above the limit are sent without Danish VAT and you will have to pay UK VAT and customs duty upon import. At the time of writing UPS charges £11.50 to handle the import process for you and send you a link to pay the VAT etc while the parcel is in transit. As UK VAT is 5% lower than the Danish, and as customs duty on relevant parts is between 0 and 2%, most UK orders end up costing more or less the same as before.

Other countries outside the EU have similar minimum order amounts. The only way around this for small businesses is to apply for a VAT account in each country (in addition to the one I have here), charge Danish VAT on orders under the limit on behalf of that country's VAT authority, keep records and periodically settle accounts with said authority. I am sorry, but that is not realistic for me to take on for the very few small orders to any such country. Orders above the minimum to countries outside the EU are sent without Danish VAT and you pay your local VAT rate upon import to your country, like for the UK above.

Indian Workshops and such in the EU; if you have a valid EU VAT number I can deduct the VAT from your order.

Payment: Bank transfer preferred. If you are in Europe and can make a SEPA transfer (ask you bank if in doubt), it will be fast and the fees lower for both of us. Some customers have used Wise.com which is both fast and cheap. PayPal can be an option in some cases, but there will be extra fees. 

Bank details. Please use the BIC and IBAN numbers when making a transfer.
Nordea Danmark
Gronjordsvej 10
2300 Copenhagen S
IBAN: DK5920007553239367

Registration number: 2128
Account number: 7553 239 367

Name on account:
Indian Parts Europe
Sparresholmvej 14
2700 Bronshoj
Pic by Christian le G
I hope this 1947 Chief will never be restored, but I can help making Indians run as well as they should.
Project Consulting
I am neither interested in or have finances for (I started this 27 years ago with no money and I still have no money!) running a "parts supermarket" where I just receive impersonal orders and send them out. 

I can't help taking an interest in my customers and their Indians and I can't help trying to assist them in making their Indian as good as it can get. And I have to say that my input usually helps making them better than they would have been without :-)

Engine rebuilds - and complete engines built from scratch - with the attending machine work was for many years an important part of what I did, but my circumstances have changed, and I can no longer offer that. 

What I can do, however, is giving advice and guidance for you to either do it yourself, or to provide a machinist of your choice the information they will need to do it right. They are hopefully generally competent, but may not be familiar with the finer points of Indian machining. More about this further down the page.

So - apart from supplying parts - what IPE is mainly doing now is long-distance email help with Indian projects big and small. I can't find better words for it than "project consulting".

Apart from the daily Indian questions that I can usually answer relatively quickly, I spend a crazy amount of time on a few bigger Indian projects every year, and most Indian projecteers come to realize that without someone like me helping them their projects would not have gone very well. I am not saying this to brag about how much I know about Indians; there are many other people who know at least as much, but but few of them will work for €5 an hour <- an exaggeration, but not by much!

Parts cost money for you to buy, but I use most of that money to pay for the parts; I don't grow them in the garden for free. Most of what is left after that (and VAT) goes to business expenses. What is left over after that and income tax is my payment for my time used for: Sourcing the parts, inspecting them as they come in, storing them in an organized way, finding them when someone asks, taking pictures, giving brief instructions ("you need this version of the part for a 1947 Chief", "fit it this side up" or "clearance is 0,01 to 0,02 mm"), packing them, sending them out, tracking the parcels, writing invoices, filing papers, paying bills, dealing with other administrative tasks, answering general email, doing the website and sweeping the floor. 

That alone brings me close to the above hourly rate; like most small businesses of any kind. So there really isn't much time/money to spend on deeper project advice. I want to do that, and many Indian projecteers would be pretty lost without it. But I would also like to get paid for it.

The fundamental problem for me in doing this in an economically sustainable way is that Indian projecteers usually don't know what they don't know before they are deep into their project. So I can't tell them up front that they will need 50 or 100 hours of help at whatever would actually be fair payment per hour for sharing my hard-earned experience. Even if it is the truth. And I can't just write a big invoice for my time after we have had maybe a year of daily email about the project. So I end up doing what I have to do without really getting paid for it.

But wise Indian projecteers can see that loyalty works both ways, and are happy to buy the parts for their project from me for whatever they cost. So even if I don't really get paid for most of my working hours, it ends up sort of working somehow - or at least I have managed to keep going until now - as long as I don't look too closely at the numbers!

Not without sacrifices, though. I have had to discontinue most of my popular special parts that never really paid for themselves, and every time I have had an Indian of my own I have had to sell it to pay bills. But I still have a project or two waiting for me to find the time, money and enthusiasm. And I have been able to do the only thing I really want to do for 27 years so far :-)

There is of course still a "parts supermarket" aspect to what IPE does - keeping running Indians on the road with a part or two when needed - and that is fine too; it doesn't have to be a big deal every time someone needs a set of points and a condenser, or two gaskets and some nuts & bolts.

The consulting process is somewhat fluid and varies depending on both the Indian and its owner. The following is mostly aimed at new Indian projecteers with their first Indian, but there is a general pattern:

Ideally, you contact me before you buy the basis of your Indian project! Send me as many pictures and as much information as you have about it, and I will see if I can spot any major traps. As the initial pix/information is likely to be incomplete, this is no guarantee that hidden traps won't pop up later in the rebuild process but, if nothing else, it may help prepare you for what lies ahead. If I am spending more than a little time on this, some form of payment for my time would be nice (see PayPal note at the bottom of this page). But, assuming you already have your basic project before contacting me...

The first thing we need to establish is what you have. A description of your project (with as much as you can tell me about your Indian and your experience with old motorcycles; it all helps me help you) - with pictures. What you think you have may not be what you actually have, and often I can spot things that may not be obvious. So... pictures.

Next is what you hope to end up with. That may seem clear (a running Indian), but my suggestions will be different for a "correct" restoration, a cool short-trip bobber, an around-the-world touring bike, or a H-D beating Indian racer. Or whatever - so the more you tell me the better I can help.

Third, how you are going to get there. This can be very different depending on your experience and equipment.

Many Indian projecteers do something completely unrelated in their day job, have only basic hand tools and little practical experience with more hardcore mechanical matters. They will need plentiful and detailed guidance - and someone to do the machine work for them, who often needs qualified input from me relayed to them to do it right if not familiar with Indian-relevant methods.

Some are machinists and have access to machine tools - or at least a lathe in the garage and the ability to improvise with it (which can get you far; the main thing is an understanding of mechanical problems and methods) - and mainly need Indian-specific technical information to focus their general knowledge. 

A few are experienced Indian rebuilders with the necessary resources and just need the parts and the odd tech tip.

It is a good idea to make it clear to me where you are on the spectrum above - both with mechanical aptitude and experience, and with tools and machinery - to help me aim my advice to match your circumstances. 

I used to be able to take on engine rebuilds and related machine work, but no more. So now I must do it by email, helping you either do it yourself, or helping you figure out what to ask for if you need local help (friend, machine shop, whatever).

No matter what, we will get there, but sometimes it is a long process with lots of email. 

Depending on where in the world you live, I may know someone relatively local to you who can help with the specialized machining work that is fundamental to Indian rebuilding. Or if you already know - or are - that machine shop, we can go into the best way of doing it. So your location is another bit of information to help me help you.

The above is very focused on machining, because that is the most difficult for most people. There are other fun aspects of Indian rebuilding - like the repeated trial assembly of engines with different thickness thrust washers, measuring end play and repeating until right - but that is easier for me to explain based on factory manuals, and doesn't need much in the way of special tooling (mainly a few measuring instruments). Engine lower end primer here.

Make the relevant factory manual your bedtime reading until you are so familiar with it that you know where to look everything up. Seriously! It is all in there, so make use of it. Modern workshop manuals was really a WW2 invention, but the military 741 manual is useful for earlier Scouts, and the military Chief manual + the post war Repair & Overhaul manual useful for earlier Chiefs.
Other tasks like general fitting and assembly of chassis parts, painting etc, are easier for many people to deal with.

With organized and detailed pictures of what you have, we can now make a list of the parts you need. This is usually done in stages. If you decide to do the chassis before the engine, we can start with the wheels, for example, and then move on to forks and handlebars, or whatever makes the most sense with each project.

With most Indian projects the cost of consulting and advice is sort of baked into the cost of the parts you buy from me for your project.

That doesn't really, in any meaningful way, pay for the time I spend on this but I don't know how else to do it. 

Occasionally, there is a lot more consulting than parts, and I have to ask for something for my time to keep things reasonably balanced. We will deal with that if we get there. 

This is also relevant if you are asking questions about your Indian without it being a project as such, and it takes more than one or two short emails from me to answer them. It doesn't have to be huge sums; but something for my time and for sharing my hard-earned experience would be nice. To be blunt about it: This is your hobby, not mine. While I have fun answering Indian questions, IPE is also my job and my only income.

Don't let any of this keep you from asking if there is anything about your Indian you are not sure of. I always try to do what I can to help. It's just more fun if the help goes both ways :-)

Should you spontaneously feel like making a contribution to the "keep IPE going" fund - thank you, it all helps! - my PayPal address is the same as my email address - both email addresses work for this
Pic by Svein S
This 741 got back on the road with parts and email consulting from IPE.

If I missed something, or anything here isn't clear, or if you have questions or comments, send me an email